Welcome to the Treverton College Art department Blog

Welcome to the Treverton College Art department Blog:
A forum for showcasing talent, discussion, inspiring & informing :o)

Sunday 31 August 2014

Grade 11 journalling

The Visual journals are a big part of the creative process in Visual Art. The students put a lot of time and effort into these journals; conceptualizing, planning, researching contemporary artists and techniques, experimenting with different media etc. Often these journals become artworks in themselves. Have a look at a few sample pages from some Grade 11 journals.

Grade 10 'texture' paintings

One of the first things the grade 10's learn is how to experiment with texture.Check out some of their 'texture' paintings-

2014 Grade 11 Lino prints

Lino is a fantastic medium when you are experimenting with texture and contrast. Have a look at some of the Grade 11's lovely prints.

Grade 11 Pencil Crayon drawings

The grade 11's this year are such a lovely mix of personalities, all so dedicated to their art. In grade 11 I encourage the students to experiment with all sorts of different media, to find something that suits them best for their matric year. Here is a sample of some Grade 11 pencil crayon drawing.

Grade 9 Nature Art 2014

This years Grade 9 Andy Goldworthy inspired land art, quite some interesting work!

Grade 8 Aboriginal paintings 2014

The grade 8's studied the art of the Australian Aboriginal people this last term and then created some 'dreaming' paintings of their own. The results were quite lovely! Have a look.