Welcome to the Treverton College Art department Blog

Welcome to the Treverton College Art department Blog:
A forum for showcasing talent, discussion, inspiring & informing :o)

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Grade 9 happenings 2015

This year's grade nines have proved to be a really enthusiastic and creative bunch. These are a few of the things we got up to in Visual Art this last semester:

In the first term we had our annual 'Trash Fashion Bash', where the students were tasked with creating a modeling and outfit made from recycled materials. Focusing on environmental issues, ingenuity & the design process, as well as the importance of presentation. It was a fantastic event, enjoyed by all, and some really awesome outfits were shown by the grade nines that evening.

The second term brought about a chance in season, with all the Autumn colours shown in glory at Treverton. We took advantage of the beautiful landscape here by creating some 'Land Art'. Inspired by the British Land artist Andy Goldsworthy, the students were tasked with creating an outdoor art piece, entirely made with natural materials. Have a look at some of the pics:

Monday 15 September 2014

Grade 11 interschools exhibition: This year for the first time, Treverton and Michaelhouse held a combined exhibition to showcase the work of our Grade 11 Visual Arts students. It was a fantastic evening, hosted with great aplomb by Michaelhouse, and enjoyed by all who attended.  It was a lovely opportunity to showcase and acknowledge the quality of work by the grade 11's from both schools; which was impressive, showing both skill and insight. It was also a perfect learning experience for the students in preparation for their Matric year, to understand the importance of the exhibition of Art. Two brave pupils, (one of them being our own Christi Ferreira) gave lovely short speeches on the importance of Art in our lives. Thankyou to Ms Preiss for hosting us, and to the parents and staff who attended, for their support, and very well done to the Grade 11's for their hard work.


Recent Art Happenings: Painting Day!

Visual Arts outreach: Painting day at Middlerus Primary School:
Seven pupils and three staff members ventured out to Middlerus this last Saturday to paint a container for Middlerus Primary School. NCT Forestry had donated the container, and asked the Visual Arts department at Treverton College to make it bright and colourful for the Grade R children. The transformation of this plain, white container was amazing. We would have loved to see the faces of the children on Monday morning to see how beautiful and welcoming their classroom looked! Our theme was seasons, so each side was painted accordingly. We were joined by some of the children from the primary school who helped out with the painting, adding their handprints as Autumn leaves! It was a wonderful experience for all, and a great opportunity to use our god-given talents to bless others. Well done & thanks very much to all who were involved.


Sunday 31 August 2014

Grade 11 journalling

The Visual journals are a big part of the creative process in Visual Art. The students put a lot of time and effort into these journals; conceptualizing, planning, researching contemporary artists and techniques, experimenting with different media etc. Often these journals become artworks in themselves. Have a look at a few sample pages from some Grade 11 journals.

Grade 10 'texture' paintings

One of the first things the grade 10's learn is how to experiment with texture.Check out some of their 'texture' paintings-

2014 Grade 11 Lino prints

Lino is a fantastic medium when you are experimenting with texture and contrast. Have a look at some of the Grade 11's lovely prints.

Grade 11 Pencil Crayon drawings

The grade 11's this year are such a lovely mix of personalities, all so dedicated to their art. In grade 11 I encourage the students to experiment with all sorts of different media, to find something that suits them best for their matric year. Here is a sample of some Grade 11 pencil crayon drawing.