Welcome to the Treverton College Art department Blog

Welcome to the Treverton College Art department Blog:
A forum for showcasing talent, discussion, inspiring & informing :o)

Saturday 21 April 2012

Current happenings in the Art dept

This term the art department is pretty busy: We are making giant paper mache trees and painting two large backdrops for this year's production of Midsummer nights dream. The Grade 11 class is also painting forest panels for the theatre entrance. (As well as completing their Impressionistic oil painting assigment.)

The Grade 9's are beginning an exciting "Andy Goldsworthy" inspired project. With all the lovely Autumn colours now at Treverton, their task is to creat their own environmental artwork, using only materials found in Nature.

The Grade 10's are working with clay, making canopic jars (linking to their Egyptian art history section) as for the first time, we have our own kiln! Hooray! (Thankyou accounts dept!)